The Ministry of Interior is gearing up to secure the historical celebrations of the new Suez Canal, set for August 6, in the presence of a galaxy of political leaders and world figures.
High level security sources at the Interior Ministry said as many as 10,000 police troops and 230 combat squads and central security forces are involved in the security plan of the new Suez Canal.
The sources said the plan has already been into effect since the beginning of July. It include large-scale security campaigns in the canal governorates of Suez, Port Said and Ismailia as well as all along the Suez Canal navigation course.
The security checks also involved 40 inhabitant farms as well as hotels and rented apartments in the vicinity of the Suez Canal districts.
The outlined plan also provided imposing security measures, taken in coordination with the Armed Forces, in the surroundings of the vital installations all over the country, including the compound of the parliament, electricity and water stations, the Central Bank of Egypt, the Media Production City and all police and security facilities.