
14 Muslim Brotherhood candidates to run in Shura elections

All Muslim Brotherhood candidates for mid-term Shura Council elections, scheduled for June, have successfully submitted their parliamentary papers, bringing the total number of Brotherhood-backed candidates to 14, reported Mohamed Morsy, a member of the organization’s Guidance Bureau.

Morsy warned “those who wish to rig the elections” that the group will continue its election battle until the end, employing all legal procedures and adopting all peaceful means to fight those who wish to manipulate election results.

“We are determined to track down those who intend to fix the election results in their favor and to expose them, in local and international media,” Morsy said.

Morsy went on to urge Egyptians to fight against corruption, using the opportunity of the elections to destroy what he described as “the roots of corruption.” He also called on media professionals to expose election riggers.

Morsy said that three Brotherhood MPs are able to run in the Shura Council elections, adding that Brotherhood candidates faced security obstacles when submitting their election papers. 

Asked whether he believes the Brotherhood has a chance of winning seats in the Shura Council, Morsy responded that the Brotherhood wishes to see elections characterized by transparency, regardless of the winners.

Mohamed Saad el-Katatni, head of the Brotherhood parliamentary bloc, said Brotherhood candidates for the Shura Council elections will announce their platforms by the end of the week.

Translated from the Arabic Edition.

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