A member of the Freedom and Justice Party was arrested while en route to Heliopolis for possession of an automatic weapon and 160 rounds of ammunition, according to privately owned daily Al-Shorouk's website.
The paper reported that a microbus was stopped at the Salam checkpoint on the Ring Road when one of the passengers, Amr Zaky Awadallah, would found in possession of the weapon during a search of the vehicle.
In a police report, Awadallah said he was on his way to Heliopolis to meet with a leading member of the Freedom and Justice Party, after which both were planning on heading to a polling station with the weapons.
The paper added that Awadallah possessed a Freedom and Justice Party membership ID. He was referred to Marg Prosecution for further investigation.
Ikhwanweb, a Muslim Brotherhood website, reported that FJP media spokesperson Mourad Ali denies that Awadallah is a member of the the party.