
ElBaradei’s next step a surprise, says spokesperson

Mohamed ElBaradei, former chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency and potential contender in the 2011 presidential election, is preparing for greater engagement with the public, according to Hamdi Qandil, a spokesperson for ElBaradei’s political coalition, The National Association for Change.

Qandil announced that ElBaradei will make public appearances similar to the one he made at El-Hussein mosque last Friday. He added that ElBaradei aims to call for reform by going out to the Egyptian street and working with the people.

"His next appearance will be a surprise," Qandil said.

Meanwhile, ElBaradei will receive a delegation of artists at his home today, Qandil added, saying this is part of series of meetings that seek to promote change across different segments of Egyptian society.

George Ishaq, who is in charge of the association’s activity outside of Cairo, announced two days ago the inauguration of a new branch in Damanhour, capital of the Beheira Governorate.

In a conference titled "Change and Political Challenges" held at the Democratic Front Party headquarters in Beheira yesterday, Ishaq said ElBaradei isn’t a "savior," but rather a "symbol of change."

Translated from the Arabic Edition.

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