
Purchases of Egyptians push stock market indexes upward

Purchases from Egyptian investors pushed the stock market indexes upward, against the sales of Arab and foreign investors on Sunday.

Total trading reached LE807.2 million backed by the purchases of individual investors who have controlled 78 percent of trading, compared to 22 percent by institutions.
The capital market earned LE1.9 billion to reach LE460.2 billion.
Ahmed Shehata an expert on financial markets said that the stock market was moving upward and has approached rates similar to those achieved before the 25 January revolution in terms of both the performance of the main index and the volume of trading. He pointed out the total trading approached LE 1 billion a day.
The stock market is currently at its best compared to its performance in the previous three years, according to financial expert Ahmed Helmy.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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