
Egypt’s stocks continue rally on Sunday as global backdrop positive

The Egyptian stock exchange continued the rally on Sunday for the fourth consecutive day, supported by a rebound of global stocks with heavy trading volume.
Major global equity markets surged more than 1 percent on Friday, according to Reuters.
The EGX30 Index rose 2.1 percent recording at 9,306.65 points. The broader EGX70 closed up by 1.31 percent at 617.92 points.
Foreign and Arab institutions closed as net buyers recording reached LE15.2 million and LE33.18 million respectively, leading the market to continue to make gains, stock market data showed.
Meanwhile, local institutions closed as net sellers recording LE19.8 million.
The market capitalization gained LE400 million to close at LE504.6billion compared to LE504.2 billion on Thursday.

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