Hundreds of Egyptians rallied in streets and squares across the country on Friday in a show of support for the government against any attempts to destabilize the nation, ahead of the 47th anniversary of the October War victory.
These rallies came ahead of a tense week late September, as security heightened following dissident calls to protest against the Egyptian government.
Egyptian contractor Mohamed Ali, known for his opposition towards President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s regime, urged mass protests against the state since September 20 with outlawed terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood later doing the same.
Their demands have been met with a limp response.
The Nation’s Future Party, the Republican Peoples Party, al-Wafd Party, the Free Egyptians Party and other political forces have called for October War victory celebrations at the Unknown Soldier Memorial in Nasr City, under the slogan “In love for Egypt.”
Families flocked to the memorial to celebrate, carrying Egyptian flags and snapping photos while reveling in an atmosphere dominated by joy. Several shops at the downtown area also raised the Egyptian flag in a display of solidarity towards the political leadership.
Wafd Party President Baha Eddin Abu-Shaqa called on all party members and citizens to participate in celebrations at the squares of the main governorates. In a statement on Friday, the party said that the lessons learned from the October War victory continue on.
Just as the Egyptian army was able to erase the impact of the June 1967 defeat, the statement said, it continued its grand role of continuously protecting the land, borders and national security across the country.
The Republican Peoples Party also called on everyone to gather in the major squares in every governorate, while Free Egyptians Party asked its masses of party members to participate in the celebrations.
Al-Azhar, the Islamic world’s top Sunni religious institution, late September urged all Egyptians to stand against any attempts to destabilize the country.
Azhar’s statement said it that keeps an eye on destructive movements aiming to tear down public order, undermine Egypt’s security and disrupt development and investment.
It praised the Egyptian people for being aware enough to ignore calls to destabilize the country.