Despite apparent emptiness on the streets around Garden City and the Kasr al-Nil bridge leading to Zamalek, Cairo's downtown Tahrir Square remains volatile with clashes between security forces and protesters, and smoke bellowing from buildings in the vicinity.
Army tanks and armored troop transports moved toward Tahrir Square as unidentified individuals held long knives, chasing unarmed protesters, and clearing the way for the army. State security was observed as being unorganized as they haphazardly responded to oncoming protesters.
Clashes can be heard in the city's center as three fires blazed, one of which is threateningly close to the Mogammaa, a key government building and downtown landmark, and another of which is close to the Ramses Hilton, an upscale Cairo hotel. White tear gas mixed with black smoke as fires raged. Security forces used rubber bullets against protesters attempting to enter the Mogammaa.
There were reports of clashes in Mounira and Giza districts.
The Corniche street along the Nile river was almost entirely void of vehicles except for burned out police vehicles scattered on the road. Occasional passing cars traveled in the wrong direction in the one way avenue or circled, as drivers seized the opportunity to revel in the absence of police presence.
Civilians were observed stealing a police car and driving it along the Corniche.