
Sudan solicits Egypt’s assistance for removal from terror list

A Sudanese diplomat on Tuesday requested Egypt's help in having Sudan lifted from the US State Department’s list of state terrorism sponsors.

In statements to the press on Monday, the Sudanese consul in Aswan, Belal Qassamallah, emphasized the importance of the Egyptian role in helping lift economic sanctions imposed on Sudan and removing it from the list of state sponsors of terrorism.

Qassamallah pointed out Egypt's regional and international weight, saying Egypt's credibility with the Sudanese people is higher than that of any other country.

Qassamallah also said Sudan has carried out several political and other reforms in the face of Western sanctions led by the US.

He added that Sudan is committed to the result of the referendum on the separation of the southern Sudan and will hand over responsibilities for the south on 9 July as agreed.

Qassamallah said the Egyptian and Sudanese points of view are identical with regards to Nile water, which upstream countries signed an agreement to redistribute last year.

He also said Egypt and Sudan remain committed to engaging in dialogue over Nile water on the basis of understanding and common interests.

Translated from the Arabic Edition

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