The Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) is leading the polls in the third and final round of elections for the People's Assembly, Egypt's lower house of parliament, as of Thursday morning, according to judges at various polling stations stations across the country.
Official results for the third round are expected to be announced on Saturday.
In Gharbiya's first constituency, the FJP's candidate for the worker/farmer seat, Sayyed Askar, is in the lead, while Salafi-led Nour Party candidate Medhat Meshaal leads for the professional seat. In the province's second constituency, FJP candidates for both the professional and worker/farmer seats, Alam Eddin al-Sakhawy and Mahmoud Mahdeya, are also running in first.
In Daqahlia, vote counts for party list-based seats in the first and second consituencies place the FJP on top, followed by, in order, the Nour Party, Revolution Continues Coalition and Wafd Party.
Initial results for the single-winner professional seat in Daqahlia's first constituency show that FJP candidate Yousry Hany polled far above his competitors. In the race for the worker/farmer seat, the FJP's Tareq Qutb and independent candidate Wahid Fouda are close.
The FJP and Nour Party lists are also in a tight race in Minya's second constituency, with the Egyptian Bloc list in third and Wafd Party list in fourth.
The FJP list is also leading in Qalyubiya, followed by the Nour and Wasat party lists.
Qena's second constituency is showing the FJP in first and Nour in second. Independent Khaled Khalaf Allah and the FJP's Ahmed al-Shishiny are in a close race over the single-winner professional seat.
The third round kicked off Tuesday in nine governorates: Minya, Qalyubiya, Gharbiya, Daqahlia, North Sinai, South Sinai, New Valley, Matrouh and Qena. Runoffs are scheduled for 10 and 11 February.
Translaed from Al-Masry Al-Youm