Were you afraid of sentencing him to death? Then why did the Court of Cassation sentence Morsi to lifetime in jail, not death? Wasn’t the crime ‘conspiring’ and leaking top secret military information? Is it because of political alignments or international demands? Are there reasons for not sentencing him to death, so the Brotherhood doesn’t revolt? Has the Brotherhood passed the death penalty time frame and are awaiting the presidential pardon? Does this mean Egypt has stopped capital punishment?!
I am not criticizing the court here in any way, but I am seeking an explanation for the ruling.. Why lifetime imprisonment, not death?.. First, cases of espionage in times of war are different than when it occurs in times of peace.. In other words, conspiring with a foreign state we have waged war on ends with the death penalty, according to the law. But In the case of Qatar, with which we are not at war, this ends with prison.. So why was it lifetime imprisonment for Morsi?.. The answer is because the spy was the ‘President’ and not just any citizen!
The question is: Why did the court annul the 15 years imprisonment sentence, and sentence him to lifetime imprisonment, although he appealed against the first ruling, shouldn’t he get a tougher sentence?.. this is because the president is not an ordinary citizen. The court didn’t find a proper punishment for the former president, because there is no clause in the law outlining the punishment for if the president is implicated of espionage. The legislator originally couldn’tĀ imagine that a president may work as a spy, and would leak confidential information about military formations and bases to any “foreign party”!
This is unprecedented in history, that the president is the spy and the leader of the gang. He harmed the national security of his country, and the most dangerous part is that he leaked documents about secret military communication codes and documents. This delicate information included base location and formation positions of armed forces nationwide; As well as detailed information on the armament, equipment and vehicles forces across the country!
Crucial confidential information like the organizational chart of The Ministry of Military Production and military factory production was leaked along with its specialties, means of developing the ministry and its affiliated factories. In addition to these shared charts was a report on the military mobile network and ways of securing it; a report on the budget of the General Intelligence Service; and a memo detailing assessment of the security situation and proposals to restore it and achieve comprehensive development in Sinai. What a dark day!
Of course, it was necessary to change all these plans and formations following the disclosure of the documents. This was not an easy job, but a heroic effort to rebuild the army systems again. For all of this chaos, Morsi knows deep down that he deserves death. He and his Guidance Bureau knew he was guilty, and would have received a harsh verdict. He alone knows that he has been a ‘thorough’ spy since the ‘Black Carbon’ incident!
This means that Egypt was not afraid to sentence Morsi to death, nor his Guidance Bureau, but rather committed itself to following state of law; and oddly enough the law did not consider that the defendant was the President, so Morsi was not sentenced to death.