One percent of premature babies have many risk factors to develop weakness and illness.
One of these possibilities are to contract a pulmonary virus and if need be admitted to hospital in case of infection with RSV, the Ministry of Health and Population said, on its Facebook page.
Babies under one year of age are prone to developing breathing problems such as bronchiolitis or pneumonia, and can be unstable and find it difficult to accept breastfeeding.
Older children and adults may also have trouble breathing, especially if they have chronic heart, lung, or immune problems.
So some children and the elderly may need to be hospitalized for help with breathing.
Symptoms of the RSV virus for adults:
Symptoms of RSV are spread through droplets containing the virus when coughing or sneezing, touching objects and surfaces such as doorknobs or toys and or contaminated hands with or when touching one’s nose or eyes.
A person is contagious with symptoms of RSV for a period of three and eight days after symptoms start.
RSV treatment for children:
The Ministry of Health has provided a set of tips to prevent symptoms of the RSV virus, including:
– Washing hands frequently.
-Not kissing children.
-Constant cleaning of surfaces.
– Raising immunity to prevent respiratory viruses through the frequent intake of fluids and foods that raise immunity, and eating fruits that contain vitamin C such as oranges and lemons, while ensuring healthy nutrition and good ventilation with no direct exposure to the cold.