Former presidential hopeful Amr Moussa on Twitter Tuesday denounced an attack on remaining candidate Ahmed Shafiq’s campaign headquarters and called for people to react to the election results in a nonviolent way.
Angry protesters stormed the headquarters of Shafiq’s electoral campaign in the Giza neighborhood of Dokki late Monday, ransacking the building and burning its offices. Police then arrived and put out the fires.
An eyewitness told Egypt Independent that some 400 people arrived from the direction of Tahrir Square chanting against feloul, the Arabic term for remnants of the former Mubarak regime. They broke into the villa near Dokki’s Vini Square that houses Shafiq’s office, stole computers and documents, and threw some into the street.
On Monday, the Presidential Elections Commission announced that Shafiq, Mubarak’s last prime minister and a former air force general, would proceed to an election runoff with the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohamed Morsy.
Shafiq finished second in the first round of the election, running as the candidate most capable of returning security to Egypt’s streets.