Middle East

Blinken says deal is in the hands of Hamas as he arrives in Qatar to continue ceasefire push

From CNN Staff

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has arrived in Qatar, the latest stop on his tour of the region as he seeks to push all sides to agree to the latest ceasefire deal.

Blinken met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday, outlining that Netanyahu “reaffirmed his commitment” to the current proposal.

His diplomatic tour this week has also included stops in Egypt and Jordan. However, Blinken made it clear on Tuesday that the US believes the fate of the latest proposal rests with Hamas leadership in Gaza.

“I don’t think anyone other than the Hamas leadership in Gaza are actually the ones who can make decisions,” Blinken said while meeting with families of American hostages being held in Gaza, adding: “That is what we are waiting on.”

This trip marks Blinken’s 8th tour of the region since October 7th. Alongside his push for a ceasefire, Blinken announced more than $400 million in new humanitarian aid on Tuesday which he described as the most effective way to address Gaza’s humanitarian devastation.

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