
Brotherhood and national forces to coordinate in parliamentary elections

The Muslim Brotherhood's administrative offices sent the group's Guidance Bureau reports of nationwide discussions between its leaders and political, revolutionary and Islamist forces on Friday. The discussions surrounded the formation of a national alliance to confront the current political crises.

Brotherhood sources told Al-Masry Al-Youm Sunday that political figures' thought that the Brotherhood must keep its previous promises to compete for only 30 percent of seats in the next parliamentary elections.

Demands also included adding Islamist groups to this agreement, especially the campaign to support former presidential candidate Hazem Salah Abu Ismail, the Nour Party and the Salafi Dawah.

Islamists led by the Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party and the Salafi-led Nour Party dominated the majority of seats in the first elected parliament after the January 2011 uprising, before it was dissolved on 14 June after a Supreme Constitutional Court declared the parliamentary elections law unconstitutional.

According to sources, national forces pointed out the need for coordination in local elections, as well as replacing governors by the government of Mohamed Morsy. They called for selecting figures that enjoy national consensus to the governorships, and the need to pass a law so that governors are elected.

On the other hand, the national forces, as well as the campaigns supporting former presidential candidates Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh, Hamdeen Sabbahi, Hazem Salah Abu Ismail, and Mohamed Selim al-Awa, have pledged to reject the supplementary Constitutional Declaration issued by the Supreme Council of Armed Forces last week.

The national forces also pledged to call for canceling the Justice Minister’s decree granting military police and intelligence the authority to arrest civilians, and to support the Constituent Assembly elected by the dissolved parliament to draft the new constitution, according to Brotherhood sources.

Nagy Naguib, a member of the supreme body of the FJP in Sharqiya, said that the governorate's political forces met at the party's headquarters yesterday, and approved their recognition of the success of the party's candidate Mohamed Morsy, and the defeat of Shafiq.

Naguib told Al-Masry Al-Youm that there is a full consensus between political forces and the FJP in Sharqiya in regards to the upcoming local and parliamentary elections and how to manage the next stage, especially if the "SCAF decided to rig the election results in favor of former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq.

The director of the MB Administrative Office in Beni Suef, Mohamed Abdallah al-Sayyaf, said that the party had held a meeting with the Salafi Front, the Salafi Nour Party, Jama'a al-Islamiya, the Wasat Party, the April 6 Youth Movement and all other revolutionary groups.

They all agreed to form unified lists of all pro-democracy groups to compete against candidates of the previous regime. 

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