Egypt's youth should give the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) and Prime Minister Kamal al-Ganzouri a chance to successfully manage the second round of parliamentary elections, said Mohamed Badie, the head of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Guidance Bureau, on Thursday
Badie said the Islamist group will not take part in Friday’s demonstrations against the army’s attacks on females.
The SCAF is serious in peacefully managing the transition period, said Badie after he cast his vote, adding that it had proved its good will in facilitating a democratic handover of power by appointing 23 January as the first session of the People’s Assembly, Egypt’s lower house of parliament.
Islamic Sharia calls for unity and solidarity, Badie said, criticizing the behavior of “those who call themselves revolutionaries,” while they carry out acts of sabotage and destruction.
Although he declined to specify what characteristics Egypt’s next president should have, he said that the president should fear God and have popular approval.