The Muslim Brotherhood on Wednesday called on the ruling generals to immediately sack the government of Kamal al-Ganzouri and form another that can better manage the country and supervise the presidential election.
The group said in a statement that the government, along with the military council, is responsible for the Abbasseya violence, which has claimed the lives of at least 11 protesters.
The Muslim Brotherhood has been pushing for the removal of the current cabinet for months. On Sunday, the Freedom and Justice Party-led Parliament decided to suspend sessions for a week in protest of the military council’s refusal to replace the current cabinet with one that reflects the makeup of Parliament. The Brotherhood has said that it entered the presidential race, reversing earlier statements, because of the military’s refusal to grant it representation in the executive branch.
The Brotherhood’s presidential candidate, Mohammed Morsy, told reporters on Wednesday that he decided to suspend his campaign for 48 hours “in solidarity with the protesters.” The presidential election is scheduled to be held on 23 and 24 May.
He blamed the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces because it is the ruling authority. SCAF “is the first to be responsible,” he said.
The Brotherhood demanded in the statement an immediate cessation of the use of violence against demonstrators, and the arrest of the thugs and criminals responsible for such violence, sentencing them to the severest punishment.
The statement also requested that the military refrain from interfering in the Constituent Assembly, hold the presidential election on time, and hand over power to an elected civilian authority on 30 June.
The group also confirmed its participation in Friday’s demonstration in Tahrir Square to express their rejection of all military council practices, and condemn crimes committed against the Egyptian people.