The Egyptian cinema revenue window continues to harvest the Eid al-Adha film revenues, as its revenues exceeded LE150 million during the past three weeks, while “Kira we Gin” entered the list of the ten most profitable films in Egypt’s history, reaching third place on the list.
Stars and filmmakers with more than one work on the list:
The list of the 30 highest-grossing films in Egyptian cinema during the past eight years bears distinct figures on several levels, the most important of which is the public’s confidence in some actors, directors and authors, who have been on the list more than once.
At the level of acting, star Ahmed Ezz is considered the most profitable star in the history of Egypt, with his movies “Welad Rizk 2”, “al-Garima”, “al-Mamar”, “al-Khaleyah”, “Arif” and “Kira wel Gin”.
His movies made a combined profit of LE424 million so far.
Karim Abdel Aziz’s movies included the two parts of “The Blue Elephant”, “Al Baad La Yazhab Lil Maazoun Maretain”, “Nady al-Regal al-Serry” and “Kira wel Gin”. His movies achieved a combined profits of LE329.
Star Mohamed Adel Imam movies included “Leilet Hana w Srour”, “Les Baghdad”, “Gohanam fel Hend” and “Amohom”.
Tamer Hosny’s movies included “Bahebak”, “Mesh Ana”, “al-Flous” and “Al-Badla”.
Star Amir Karara is also competing with his movies “Harb Karmouz”, “Casablanca and “Horoub Edterary”.
Star Ahmed al-Sakka entered the list in the films “Al-Ankabut”, “Al-Jazeera 2” and “Horoub Edterary”, while star Ahmed Helmy was also present on list with “Khayal Maata”, “Laf w Dawaran”, and “Wahed Tani”.
Many directors were present as well on list with several films including Sherif Arafa, who directed “al-Garima”, “Al-Jazeera 2”, “Al Nems wel Ens”, and “al-Mamar”.
Marwan Hamed directed two films including the two parts of “The Blue Elephant”, “Torab al-Mas” and “Kira wel Gin”.
Tarek al-Arian was on list with “al-Khaleyah” ” and “Wlad Rizk”, Peter Mimi was present with “Harb Karmouz” and “Casablanca”, Ahmed al-Gendy was present with “World War 3” and “al-Baad La Yazhab lel Maazoun Maretain”.