The head of the Libyan Army has rejected the possibility of cooperating with any EU military intervention in his country intended to stem the flow of undocumented migrants trying to reach Europe.
In an exclusive interview Friday with CNN's Becky Anderson, Libyan army head Gen. Khalifa Haftar said Libyan authorities had not been consulted and, in any event, military action would not solve the problem.
"We will certainly not cooperate, because we were not involved in resolving this issue," Haftar said. "The decision was taken without consulting the legitimate Libyan side."

The European Union is struggling to cope with an increasing number of people crowding into unseaworthy boats and trying to reach European shores. Many of the travelers are fleeing violence and poverty in Libya and elsewhere in the region.
The capsizing of one vessel last weekend left an estimated 900 people dead.
EU leaders are considering a plan that would involve military action against people smugglers at the source — before they load their boats with human cargo. Of necessity, such an operation would involve operations within the territory of North African countries.
Haftar: Crisis needs to be deal with "as a whole"
But Haftar expressed dismay at the prospect in his interview with CNN.
"Military action against Libyan territory is an unwise decision," he said. "You need to deal with the Libyan crisis as a whole. We are a sovereign country that needs to be respected despite what we are going through right now."
Haftar did not respond directly when he was asked whether Libyan authorities would confront any European forces within its territory.
"The European Union needs to stand with the Libyan people to solve the crisis instead of taking such decisions," the general said. "The migrant crisis affects them. But why don't they see that our problems are also very important? It's important for them to support us either on the humanitarian front or on the security front."
Pressed on the point, Haftar replied, "We do what's in the interest of the Libyan people. The European Union is looking after its own interests so we will also look after ours."
But he said Libya is open to other kinds of cooperation on the issue of migration.
"If they take the right approach, we will certainly cooperate," he said, referring to EU authorities. "The appropriate approach will benefit Libya and its fight against terrorism. And I repeat, that means lifting sanctions against Libya — specifically those against the army."
Transcription of CNN interview with General Haftar:
General Haftar: Military action against Libyan territory is an unwise decision. You need to deal with the Libyan crisis as a whole. We are a sovereign country that needs to be respected despite what we are going through right now.
Becky Anderson: You are suggesting that the United Nations must lift sanctions against the Libyan army in order to provide a solution – are you also suggesting the Libyan army would not cooperate with any EU military action?
General Haftar: We will certainly not cooperate because we were not involved in resolving this issue. The decision was taken without consulting the legitimate Libyan side.
Becky Anderson: So if the EU were to launch military action against Libyan migrant smugglers would you ‘confront’ them?
General Haftar: The European Union needs to stand with the Libyan people to solve the crisis instead of taking such decisions. The migrant crisis affects them. But why don’t they see that our problems are also very important? It’s important for them to support us either on the humanitarian front or on the security front.
Becky Anderson: With respect I just want to push you on this point, if the EU were to launch military action against Libyan smugglers, what would you do physically do about it? Would you see it as a threat to your sovereignty?
General Haftar: We do what’s in the interest of the Libyan people. The European Union is looking after its own interests so we will also look after ours.
Becky Anderson: What would your response be?
General Haftar: If they take the right approach, we will certainly cooperate. The appropriate approach will benefit Libya and its fight against terrorism and I repeat that means lifting sanctions against Libya – specifically those against the army.