Ava Duvernay's incendiary prison system investigation '13th' and Ezra Edelman's epic episodic biography "O.J.: Made in America" both received the 2016 Critics' Choice Documentary Awards for Best Documentary and Best Director.
At nearly eight hours long and broadcast in five parts on ESPN in June, "O.J.: Made in America" uses the life of sportsman, actor and murder suspect O. J. Simpson to examine race and celebrity in the USA.
At the first ever Critics' Choice Documentary Awards ceremony, held November 3, it won Best Documentary and Best Director in the theatrical feature category.
Released in October through Netflix, "13th" is named after the US Constitution's 13th Amendment and examines race and the penal system in the USA.
It won Best Documentary and Best Director in the TV and Streaming category.
Additionally, "13th" won Best Political Documentary and "O.J.: Made in America" took Best Sports Documentary and Best Limited Documentary Series.
Other winners included "Weiner" (Best First Documentary, Theatrical) as well as "Everything Is Copy" and "Southwest of Salem" (Best First Documentary, TV / Streaming).
"30 for 30" was named Best Ongoing Documentary Series and "The Tower" was the year's Most Innovative.