
A Critique of the Current Arab Discourse

In his latest book, Fi Naqd el-Khetab el-Arabi el-Rahen (A Critique of the Current Arab Discourse), prominent leftist thinker Samir Amin states that his main objective is "to retrieve the scientific concepts introduced by Marxism in order to analyze social phenomena and renew their significance, in light of the transformations that have occurred in modern society."

For the last two decades Marxism has been under siege following the demise of the Soviet Union and the other communist regimes of Eastern Europe. A well-known neo-Marxist thinker, Amin took a clear stand opposing the Soviet implementation of socialism, which makes his latest intellectual contribution doubly important.

In his book, Amin criticizes the main discourses preoccupying Arab intellectuals after the collapse of communism: capitalism, nationalism, and political religion. The distinguished thinker presents a criticism of Marxism from within, while at the same time using Marxist thought to criticize rival ideologies.

Born in Cairo in 1931, Amin studied in Paris, where he obtained a PhD in economics. He published more than 40 books on economics and politics, and occupied several senior posts at the United Nations.

Book: Fi Naqd el-Khetab el-Arabi el-Rahen (A Critique of the Current Arab Discourse)

Author: Samir Amin

Publisher: El-Ain, Cairo

142 pages

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