Daylight saving time will be applied this year in Egypt will be Friday, April 26, where the clock will be advanced by 60 minutes at midnight on Thursday.
Daylight saving time is scheduled to continue until the end of the last Thursday of October, which is October 24, 2024.
The system was reapplied in Egypt last year in light of the Cabinet’s decision regarding its approval.
The Cabinet announced that reintroducing daylight saving time has many benefits, including the rationalization of energy consumption, especially in light of the economic conditions and changes the world is witnessing.
The Electricity Ministry previously said that based on a study, daylight savings time will contribute to saving US$25 million by saving gas units used in electricity production.
In general, saving one percent of electricity consumption results in savings of $150 million per year.
Daylight savings time was first introduced in Egypt in 1940, and it was suspended multiple times only to be reinstated on April 28, 2023.