The East Nile Monorail will undergo a trial operation on November 5 without passengers at Arad al-Maared and al-Manara areas, Minister of Transport Kamel al-Wazir, announced, during the “Story of a Homeland” conference.
The last stage of the third metro line awaits President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s approval to be inaugurated in October, he added.
Until 2014, Egypt had two metro lines, and one stage of the third line extending from Abbasiya to Cairo Stadium, Wazir said. The lines were 80 kilometers long, with 64 stations and 106 metros that transported 2.5 million passengers daily, he added.
“We currently have 220 kilometers of metro lines that transport five million passengers daily.”
Egypt is currently developing a third metro line, an LRT, and a monorail east of the Nile at a length of 220 kilometers with 123 stations, Wazir said.
“By 2030, we plan to spend LE400 billion to complete the projects that have been started so that there will be five metro lines. We are currently working on the fourth line and studying the sixth line,” he added, explaining that the metro service will transport 13.5 passengers per day and 12 million tons of goods annually.
Wazir pointed out that the first and second lines of the metro will be renovated in the coming period.