Maryam Safwan Thabet, daughter of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Juhayna Company Safwan Thabet, announced on Saturday evening that her father and brother were being released from custody.
Maryam said, on her Facebook account: “My father, Safwan Thabet, and my brother Saif Eddin Thabet are with us.”
In December 2020, security forces arrested Thabet on charges of financing terrorism.
Then, in March 2021, his son Saif, the CEO of the company and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, was arrested.
Over the course of nearly two years, several decisions were issued to renew their detention.
The State Security Criminal Court decided to detain them pending investigations on charges of joining a group established in violation of the law, inciting violence, financing a terrorist group, and a host of other charges.
The investigation authorities charged the suspects with several crimes, including financing a terrorist group with the intent of disturbing public peace within as part of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood’s goals to destabilize confidence in the Egyptian state and its institutions.