The Abdeen Misdemeanor Court in Cairo on Saturday sentenced a restaurant worker to six months in prison, on charges of killing a cat by throwing it under a car passing by the main road.
Security services have received reports from citizens that a worker threw a cat that entered his workplace out onto the main street next to the restaurant, killing it.
The incident angered customers and went viral on social media. Police apprehended the worker, and referred the case to the Public Prosecution, which sent the suspect to trial.
The Luxor Misdemeanor Court sentenced a man to one year in prison and a bail of LE 500 for brutally beating a horse earlier this year.
The investigation authorities in Luxor interrogated the man, 40, on charges of assaulting a horse on al-Madina Street in Luxor.
A Facebook video clip showing the carriage driver in Luxor brutally beating the horse went viral across Egyptian social media last month, inciting outrage and demands for justice.
The Egyptian Interior Ministry announced, in a statement on its Facebook page that the circumstances of the video circulating on Facebook have come to light.
Egypt’s Dar Al Iftaa, as part of its on-going awareness campaigns, has warned in December against abusing animals.
Dar Al Iftaa explained on its official Facebook page, saying: “The Prophet, peace be upon him, told that torturing and ill-treating an animal, or preventing it from eating and drinking until it dies, is a reason for entering Hellfire.
“The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: ‘A woman was punished due to a cat she had imprisoned until it died, so she entered the Hellfire. She did not give it food or water while it was imprisoned, neither did she set it free to eat from the vermin of the earth.’”