Egypt currently has four and a half months in reserves of wheat, Alaa Ezz, Secretary General of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, said.
Egypt imports half of its food from abroad, therefore, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi instructed to increase storage capacity and the Egyptian strategic stockpile of goods, he added.
Ezz said during a telephone interview with “Ala Masouleyety” (On My Responsibility) program that was broadcast on Sada al-Balad channel, that new central and subsidiary silos were developed, which led to the expansion of storage capacity of wheat.
The government added LE100 per imported wheat ardeb to increase strategic stock, he said.
“We have three months of alternative reserves in corn and there are countries such as Europe, Romania, Canada and Australia from which Egypt can import (wheat).
With regard to rice, there are nine and a half months as a strategic stock,” Ezz mentioned.
He explained that the problem lies in edible oil because Egypt depended on Ukraine to import it, although Egypt had about five and a half months of reserves. Egypt has a balance of about 40,000 tons of light oils and 80,000 tons of heavy oils, he continued.
For meat, Ezz said that Egypt has eight and a half months of strategic stock of meat, and three and a half months of frozen meat and poultry.
Regarding preparations for the month of Ramadan, Ezz said that 200 exhibitions for Ramadan supplies are planned in governorates and 500 outlets are being prepared to provide various commodities nationwide ahead of the Islamic month.
Egypt had a balance of up to five and a half months of the general strategic stock, and there is no crisis in food commodities, he stressed.