Egypt’s House of Representatives slammed the European Parliament after it issued a statement criticizing the human rights situation in Egypt.
It called on the European Parliament to focus its efforts on European affairs, which are not devoid of violations in the field of rights and freedoms, the Egyptian Parliament said in a statement.
It noted the way European countries warmly treated Ukrainian refugees while cruelly shunning Middle Eastern refugees.
The police in many European state members have committed excessive violations towards freedom of expression and assembly, as well as racial and religious discrimination, in addition to exercising double standards in receiving refugees, the statement said.
“The Egyptian House of Representatives reviewed – with all expressions of dissatisfaction – the resolution issued by the European Parliament on October 5, 2023 regarding the situation of human rights in Egypt, in connection with the case of the so-called Hisham Qassem, which comes – as usual – within a series of unjustified and desperate attempts by the European Parliament to claim that it possesses the powers to evaluate, direct and hold accountable those outside the borders of its members, without the slightest justification, and in disregard of all international conventions that condemn any interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states,” the statement added.
“The Egyptian House of Representatives expresses its rejection of this decision, which is not characterized by credibility or impartiality. Although this decision was born dead, the Egyptian parliament, being the conscience of the nation, was required to refer to some of what was stated in this decision because it reveals the truth and puts things in perspective,” the statement said.
The statement continued: “With regard to Hisham Qassem and the European Parliament’s demand for his immediate and unconditional release as well as dropping the political charges against him, it should be noted that Qassem committed the crime of insult and defamation against one of the opposition figures, Kamal Abu Aita.”
Opposition political forces sought to resolve the dispute amicably, which was rejected by Aita, according to the statement.
Qassem also committed another crime by assaulting public officials while performing their duties, the statement added. Therefore legal measures were taken against him in accordance with the rules of Egyptian criminal law.
According to the statement, releasing Qassem unconditionally violates the independence of the Egyptian judiciary, which the European Parliament itself demands.
“With regard to the European Parliament’s emphasis on the importance of holding reliable, free and fair elections in Egypt, and urging the authorities to stop harassing peaceful opposition figures, including aspiring presidential candidates, these allegations lack objectivity and reveal a hidden intention to issue early negative judgment of the electoral process,” it said.
“The National Elections Authority stands at the same distance from everyone, and as the body responsible for managing the electoral process, it has previously stressed – through follow-up – that no violations, acts of favoritism or harassment have been committed by the authorities related to the presidential elections.”
“With regard to the immediate release of arbitrarily detained prisoners, which the resolution described as (political prisoners), including Alaa Abdel Fattah, this matter is rejected entirety as it harms the Egyptian judiciary, which was and still is a sanctuary of justice. “
The Egyptian parliament’s statement further denied the arrest of seventy-three members of the electoral campaign of the potential presidential candidate, Ahmed Tantawi.
Egypt’s House of Representatives affirms that it is “strongly committed to building balanced friendships with international partners, including the European Parliament,” it said.
And Egypt has rejected the attempts of many international parties to impose its agenda on other countries under the claims of protecting human rights, the statement concluded.