Egypt’s exports of agricultural products witnessed an increase between November 2019 and 2020 of US$15.5 million, according to data issues by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS).
The CAPMAS reported indicated that agricultural exports in November 2020 reached US$144.3 million, compared to $128.8 million in November 2019.
The most exported food commodities included fresh honeycomb, with exports amounting to about US$7.6 million in November, compared to $246,000 in the same month in 2019, recording an increase of about $US6.6 million.
The export of uncarded and combed cotton increased by US$14.3 million, recording US$20.8 million last November and US$6.8 million in November 2019.
The list also includes exports of beans worth US$9.2 million in 2020, compared to US$6.4 million in 2019, recording an increase of US$2.4 million, and fresh tangerines hitting US$4.1 million compared to US$518,000 in 2019, reporting an increase of US$3.6 million.
Mango exports recorded US$6.1 million, compared to US$5.3 million in 2019, an increase of $845,000.
Agriculture contributed to roughly 12 percent of Egypt’s GDP in 2020.