
Egyptian ambassador affirms Cairo’s keenness on supporting Chad toward achieving sustainable development

Egyptian Ambassador to Chad Osama al-Hady emphasized Cairo’s keenness on supporting Chad in achieving a comprehensive and sustainable development in various domains through providing training courses that contribute to building capacities of Chadian cadres in a number of government sectors.

This came during a meeting between the Egyptian ambassador and Chadian Government Spokesman Abderaman Koulamallah, the Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Integration, Chadians Abroad, and International Cooperation.

Hady greeted the Chadian top diplomat for his appointment as a foreign minister.

Meanwhile, Koulamallah underscored keenness on promoting cooperation with Egypt, describing relations between the two countries as historic, strong and extended, according to a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry on Saturday 15/06/2024.

The two sides discussed a set of topics of shared interest along with efforts to boost cooperation, the statement added.

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