The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) revealedĀ on Wednesday that the number of patents registered in Egypt increased by 39 per cent in 2017, according to the Egyptian Scientific Research Indicator (ESRI) 2017.
The Egyptian Patent Office saw an increase in Egyptian inventors’ patents, from 72 in 2016 to 100 in 2017, making it the highest number it has registered since 2007, said the Head of ASRT, Mahmoud Sakr.
Sakr revealed that both Egyptians and foreigners submitted 555 patents 555 in 2017, compared to 450 patents in 2016.
The ESRI is a monthly indicator issued by the Egyptian Science Technology and Innovation Observatory (ESTIO), which was established in February 2014. ESTIO is affiliated with the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and the Ministry of Scientific Research.