The Director of the Public Private Partnership Central Unit at the Finance Ministry Atter Hannoura announced Tuesday that the private sector’s participation in several projects related to public services and utilities will not, in any way, affect prices.
During a Zoom interview with “Masaa DMC” show Hannoura assured that the state will meditate between services providers and consumers.
He explained that if the state establishes power stations, sewage stations, desalination plants, roads, bridges, or others, and it wants the private sector to implement these projects, the first test is to determine the validity of the project for offering on the partnership system with the private sector.
This means that the project is studied to ensure that the state can implement it on its own while ensuring that the same level of service is provided, or it is offered to the private sector, he said, provided that the general cost of the project is less than the state’s cost.
“When the private sector implements projects related to electricity, in this case the service provider delivers energy to the national network of the transmission company or distribution companies, and the companies distribute electricity, according to the segments announced by the state. Here, the state is concerned with purchasing from the service provider and redistributing it,” he added.