A Professor of Pediatric Ophthalmology at Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University Nihal Shakankiry has been named among the 100 most influential women worldwide in ophthalmology for 2021.
This comes from the The Ophthalmologist Power List 2021.
Shakankiry was honored by President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in March 2019, during a celebration honoring Egyptian woman organized by the Ministries of Social Solidarity and Planning and Follow-up, and the National Council for Women which paid tribute to Egyptian female role-models.
The Council of Alexandria University also honored her in March 2018, calling her a rolemodel whose sincerity and dedication deserve to be emulated. They paid tribute to her contributions in community service and her efforts to provide health, treatment and educational services to civil society in a free one-day surgery center of the Amiri Hospital which was supported by donations.
Through this center, she performed a large number of surgeries for children from Alexandria and other governorates for free.