European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Thursday he would not raise the possibility of Greece leaving the euro zone, in part at least due to the effect that would have on financial markets.
Asked during a panel debate in the European Parliament about the possibility of "Grexit", he replied: "If I were to say that Grexit was an option, what do you think would happen then on the financial markets?"
Juncker has in the past ruled out Grexit. Other EU officials are wary of speculating on the possibility for fear of triggering a flight of money from Greece that could worsen the cash crunch which Athens and its creditors are trying to ease.
Juncker said he had spoken about Greece with European Central Bank President Mario Draghi on Thursday and would later hold a second call in as many days with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. He said talks between Athens and its creditors were making progress but declined to give details.