There are five scenarios it seems awaiting the trial of toppled President Mohamed Morsy and 14 Muslim Brotherhood leaders, scheduled for next Monday, 4 November, at the low-ranking police officers' institute in Maadi.
The first scenario: Morsy supporters will rally outside the court to prevent the trial, a scenario that Interior Ministry leaders ruled out as they stressed that the security forces would deal firmly with anyone who violates the law.
The second scenario: The trial will be held without bringing Morsy to court, and the judge will thus adjourn the trial until Morsy is there.
The third scenario: Morsy will attend the session and insist on talking without the permission of the judge who will end the session and order taking him out of the room. Judges will return later after order is reinstated, on condition that Morsy will have a lawyer to defend him.
The fourth scenario: Morsy, along with the 14 other defendants, will attend the session, and the judge will ask them and their lawyers about the accusations. If Morsy insists on defending himself, the judge will overrule Morsy's demands as it violates the law, and then end the session until a lawyer is assigned from the Lawyers Syndicate.
The fifth scenario: Morsy will agree to have lawyers defend him. The lawyers will say they have not received the documents of the case yet, as they have formerly announced, and the judge will have to postpone the trial for one month until they are handed the documents.
Judicial sources told Al-Masry Al-Youm that security forces have been strictly instructed to prevent Brotherhood leaders from meeting each other or Morsy during the trial. The sources added that a separate dock has been made for Morsy.
Morsy and 14 Muslim Brotherhood leaders, including Mohamed al-Beltagy and Essam al-Erian, will stand trial over the killing of protesters outside Ettihadeya Palace in December 2012.