
FJP official: Mohamed Morsy supported by God

The women’s secretary of the Freedom and Justice Party in Cairo has said Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate Mohamed Morsy is “supported by God,” a video posted on the internet shows.

At a women’s rally in support of Morsy in Beni Suef, Manal Abul Hassan urged people to ignore the “ailing media,” which she said has entered into a “life or death battle” with the Brotherhood candidate.

Morsy, the former head of the FJP, replaced Brotherhood Deputy Supreme Guide Khairat al-Shater as the group’s nominee when Shater was ousted from the presidential race due to a prison sentence he served under the rule of ex-President Hosni Mubarak.

“God has destined Morsy to be the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate in this period. Neither the media or the politicians can find a black mark in his history,” Abul Hassan said.

“He is a clean man who has no wrong political or financial practices. God has protected him to carry out this mission,” she said.

Some believe Morsy has lower odds of winning the election than Shater. The Brotherhood has also come under fire for backtracking on its original decision not to field a candidate in the election.

While recent polls have not shown Morsy among the top candidates in the race, unofficial voting results from Egyptians abroad put him in the lead in Kuwait, Yemen and Sudan.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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