Forty-seven vessels carrying a total of nearly 2.4 million tons crossed the Suez Canal on Tuesday, the Suez Canal Authority said in a statement.
The authority said 21 vessels carrying about 1 million tons came from the north and 26 vessels carrying 1.39 million tons from the south.
Danish container ship Elly Maersk was the largest vessel that came from the north, traveling through the canal on its way to Singapore from Spain and carrying 171,000 tons of cargo, the authority said.
Elly Maersk, along with its sister ships the Emma, Evelyn, Eleonora, Estelle and Ebba Maersk, are the largest container ships in the world. They belong to Maersk, owner of the world’s biggest container shipping line.
The statement said a natural gas tanker hoisting the Marshallese flag “Om Salal” was the largest ship to come from the south. It passed through the canal on its way to England from Qatar, carrying 166,000 tons.