The medical profession is the noblest of all professions. At its core, it aims to alleviate human suffering from both physical and psychological illnesses. Moreover, the work of a doctor involves doing good, relieving distress, and exercising patience and effort.
God Almighty says, “And God loves the doers of good.” Imam Shafi’i, may God have mercy on him, said, “Do not settle in a land where there is no scholar to advise you about your religion or a physician to inform you about your body.”
Unfortunately I have spoken many times – as have others – about the hardships faced by doctors, but no one has taken action.
As a result, the rate of doctors emigrating to other countries has increased.
Statistics show that the number of registered doctors licensed to practice by the Medical Syndicate, excluding those who have reached retirement age, is approximately 212,835.
Of these, only around 82,000 doctors are currently working in all health sectors – whether in hospitals affiliated with the Ministry of Health, government university hospitals, or the private sector – representing only 38 percent of the number of registered doctors!
According to the data of the Medical Syndicate, about 11,536 doctors resigned from government work in just three years, from 2019 to March 2022.
While the global average is 23 doctors per 10,000 citizens, the ratio of doctors in Egypt is 8.6 doctors per 10,000 citizens – which I consider a danger to national security.
1.The working environment for doctors:
There has been a significant increase in assaults against medical staff, occurring almost daily nationwide.
Unfortunately, the punishment for verbal or physical threats against doctors is limited to a maximum of six months in prison or a fine of no more than LE200! The punishment for actually assaulting a doctor is also limited to a maximum of two years in prison or a fine of LE200!!
2.The difficulty of the profession:
A member of the Syndicate Council, Ibrahim al-Zayat, says that the syndicate documented 149 deaths due to work stress in 2022.
We must not forget that more than 240 doctors lost their lives while treating patients with the coronavirus.
3.Doctor salaries:
The average salary of a resident doctor in Egypt (who is always academically distinguished) is LE3,700 Egyptian pounds, and the average pension after about 35 years of government work is LE2,300!
The salary of a doctor in the universal health insurance system reaches LE17,000 per month. This is unjustified discrimination. It contradicts the principle of equality with other doctors working with the current health insurance system, and a quick solution must be found for this strange situation.
In general, the salary of an Egyptian doctor is the lowest among doctors worldwide, unfortunately.
4.Medical Education:
There is a significant flaw in medical education that cannot be ignored, particularly in clinical education. An Egyptian high school student who scores 95 percent pays around LE2,500 to enroll in Cairo University, while a wealthy Egyptian student pays LE150,000 annually to enroll in advanced education!
This clearly means that the faculty produces a doctor with a high level of knowledge and another with a lower level due to financial ability, which is, in my opinion, an unacceptable social disaster, especially in the field of medicine. A foreign student pays US$8,000 with a minimum grade of 75 percent, while a foreign student in advanced education pays $17,000!
As for foreign students, they are welcome in our private and public universities, and 10 percent of them are sufficient in government universities, with the obligation to have a high score that qualifies for medical education, without compromising the rights of the excellent Egyptian student.
I suggest that the failing Egyptian student pay the cost of the failed course to encourage excellence.
Regarding graduate studies, which it is best for every doctor to obtain in order to interact with the tremendous progress in the field of medicine worldwide, the cost of obtaining a master’s degree is about LE8,000 in human medicine and LE22,000 in a master’s degree in dentistry, while the cost of a doctorate in dentistry has reached LE30,000.
I recall that I obtained my diploma and doctorate from Cairo University for a few pounds.
I am well aware that the cost of postgraduate studies and scientific research has increased worldwide. Therefore, I would like to draw attention to Article 23 of the Egyptian Constitution, which outlines the state’s role in supporting scientific research.
I urge for its implementation if we are truly serious about this matter.
- Medical Liability Law:
I don’t understand why this critically important law for doctors has been delayed? The syndicate has objected to the draft recently sent by the government. The president of the syndicate, Osama Abdel Hay, stated that the biggest catastrophe is the legalization of pre-trial detention in medical malpractice cases, which is unheard of in any other country in the world.
Ideally, such a law should establish a higher authority to receive complaints from individuals and various entities, composed of specialized committees of professors who would investigate the doctor, write their report, and submit it to the various judicial authorities (I noticed that the proposed higher committee includes a large number of officials from the Ministries of Health, Higher Education, Interior, and Defense, as well as one of the deans of faculties of medicine at Al-Azhar University!).
The syndicate president stated that the draft perpetuates all the flaws of the current system of litigation in medical matters, considering the legalization of detention for technical errors a crime against doctors and unheard of in any other country in the world.
- Unwarranted Interference from Local Administrations in Doctors’ Affairs:
In recent months, doctors across all governorates have been surprised by an unknown decree mandating the application of the building violations settlement law to medical clinics. This law requires doctors owning clinics to settle the violations and obtain a license to convert their clinics from residential to administrative use!
Subsequently, some governors issued decisions to close and seal medical facilities and clinics, citing Law No. 187 of 2023!
The Syndicate of Physicians immediately issued a statement strongly rejecting these arbitrary measures and demanded the suspension of the governors’ decisions, which violate the law and the constitution and are a clear infringement on private property.
A delegation from the syndicate, headed by the syndicate president, met with Minister of Local Development Manal Awad, who advised them to present the problem to the House of Representatives, as the issued licenses are considered operating licenses for the practice of the activity!
And that changing the activity from residential to administrative or commercial is a violation of the provisions of Law No. 119 of 2008, and any new amendments to the settlement law must be presented to the council!
Despite the fact that the establishment of clinics is subject to Law No. 51 of 1981 on the regulation of private medical facilities, as amended by Law No. 153 of 2004, and that all clinics were established with the approval of the governor of the region.
The syndicate has contacted distinguished public law professor, Jabr Nassar, to prepare a legal memorandum on this absurdity, as medical clinics and private hospitals and the like are subject to the medical professions law, and medical clinics are certainly not commercial, but rather a safe haven for the patient.
Moreover, circumventing the law to obtain money without right will force the doctor to raise the cost of medical examination, which should not happen in the midst of a severe economic crisis. This simply means that these decisions of the governors are contrary to the law and the constitution and constitute an infringement on private property and on sound legal situations that have been established for decades. We are awaiting the rule of law.
Egyptian doctors are an invaluable asset; let’s not squander them!