House of Representatives member Hazem Omar, the head of the Republican People’s Party, submitted his candidacy papers to run in the presidential race to the National Elections Authority on Friday, backed by dozens of his supporters and members of his presidential campaign.
The party’s leaders and MPs were present in front of their main headquarters since the morning in the assembly area, in preparation for heading to the NEA’s headquarters to submit the candidacy papers.
They held up pictures and their party’s slogan and wore shirts of the candidate with their electoral slogan, “Together we can change.”
The Republican People’s Party organized a march of dozens of cars from their headquarters to the headquarters of the National Authority in downtown Cairo to advertise the campaign.
The campaign’s official spokesperson Zaher al-Shakanqiri said that the potential presidential candidate received 46 endorsements from members of the House of Representatives.
He continued that Omar underwent a medical examination of his physical and mental condition and submitted the final reports of the examinations with the nomination papers.
The National Elections Authority continues to open the door to receiving applications for candidacy in the presidential elections for the ninth day in a row, after it received the papers of three candidates to run in the presidential race, namely current President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Farid Zahran, and Abdel-Sanad Yamama.
NEA opened nominations from October 5-14.
The initial list for those seeking candidacy and the numbers of supporters for each of them is scheduled to be announced and published on Monday, October 16.