The National Population Council (NPC), an affiliate of the Ministry of Health and Population, discussed during a meeting Thursday with representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Egypt Frederika Meijer increasing campaigns aimed at spreading societal awareness of reproductive health.
Spokesman for the Ministry of Health and Population Khaled Abdel Ghaffar said ways of bolstering cooperation between NPA and the UNFPA in upping the scale of these awareness campaigns, as part of the National Project for Development of the Egyptian Family, figured high during the discussions.
Tarek Tawfik, Deputy Minister of Health and Population for Population Affairs, highlighted the importance of spreading awareness on this issue, as it would help realize a tangible progress in ensuring decent life for all families in Egypt.
The National Project for Development of the Egyptian Family is the cornerstone of efforts aimed at addressing the overpopulation crisis out of a comprehensive vision which covers health, social, family and economic dimensions.