According to the Ministry of Health and Population, fasting people should not eat herring, fesikh and citrus fruits.
These cause dehydration and affect kidney problems, in addition to the fact that it can cause strokes.
Sham Ennessim 2023 comes for the third year in a row in the holy month of Ramadan, which may hold back some Egyptians from eating salted fish, such as herring and fesikh, which are famous for this occasion.
The ministry also warned that salted fish such as herring and fesikh may cause botulism, because its preparation depends on providing an anaerobic environment for it to ferment. This method causes the growth of bacteria and the secretion of toxins that cause botulism.
According to the Health Ministry’s publication, people with certain health conditions are prohibited from eating salted fish, including people with chronic diseases, the elderly and pregnant women.
Hypertensive patients should completely avoid eating herring and fesikh during Sham Ennessim, because of its high percentage of salts that raise blood pressure, according to Dr. Basem Zarif, a consultant cardiologist at the National Heart Institute.
Zarif said in a video posted on the Ministry of Health and Population’s Facebook page, that a heart patient may be admitted to hospital if they eat salted fish due to the its high salt content which causes a rise in blood pressure.
The Ministry announced emergency hotlines in the event of poisoning as a result of eating salted fish, which are: 137 and 16474.