Egyptian actor Ahmed Farouk al-Fishawy spoke about his experience joining the Muslim Brotherhood, saying that he had joined the group for two years before discovering the truth behind it and leaving.
During an interview with “Asrar” (Secrets) show on “Al-Nahar” TV channel, Fishawy called himself “an idiot.”
He explained that he discovered two years after joining the group that they seek to control the state and not spread the call of Islam, indicating that they “forbid the people what they do themselves, such as usury and dancing.”
He explained that two years after joining the group, he learned about their intention to control the state, and that they weren’t just interested in teaching about Islam.
The actor added that the group forbid people from doing certain things, such as usury and dancing.
Fishawy noted that the group had also given him special treatment as means to encourage him to bring more people in.
“The group is completely finished,” he said, adding that “Mohamed Badie was not the head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt but globally, and his arrest was the end of the group.”
The Muslim Brotherhood planned to bring in even more celebrities, Fishawy said, and added that at the start they seemed like “good and respectable people who dressed well and talked about religion.”
Fishawy stated that before joining the Muslim Brotherhood, he had another experience with a Salafi group, which is “al-Tabligh Wal Da’wa”, and that he dealt with groups “much more extreme than the Brotherhood.”
Fishawy pointed out that when he was a “Salafi” at the age of 17, he grew a beard and wore a short galabiya, and he used to tell his family that “acting is forbidden and blasphemous” – his parents being the late actor Farouk al-Fishawy and actress Somaia al-Alfy.
Groups such as these brainwash their members to get them to be okay with the crimes they commit, he noted.