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Israeli warplanes breach sound barrier in southern Lebanon to Beirut

The AlQahera News Channel reported Saturday night that Israeli warplanes have breached the sound barrier in the south of Lebanon all the way to the capital, Beirut.

Tensions between Hezbollah and Israel have been rapidly escalating, prompting the US to initiate a package of moves in response to the possibility of Tel Aviv launching a ground attack on southern Lebanon during the next few weeks.

This follows in the wake of the Rafah operation, which Israel expects will end within two weeks.

The Pentagon announced that it had moved US military ships to eastern Mediterranean, while sources confirmed that the US President’s administration was discussing releasing a shipment of weapons to Israel, in anticipation of the possibility of the war expanding.

The US State Department has also banned its citizens from traveling to Lebanon.

The American news network NBC reported on Saturday that the Pentagon has begun transferring military assets to the eastern Mediterranean, amid fears of escalation between Israel and Hezbollah.

American sources told the network that Washington has also begun mobilizing its forces near Israel and Lebanon amid fears of an escalation in cross-border attacks, including forces capable of carrying out the evacuation of US citizens.

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