The South Korean ambassador to Cairo Hong Jin-Wook called on Egyptian ministries to participate in the “K-City Network 2021: Smart City Planning Program” sponsored by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea (MOLIT).
This government-to-government cooperation program sees the MOLIT selects smart city development proposals, collaborates with host governments that made the proposals on project discovery and development, implements technological exchange, and seeks cooperation for future projects.
Assistance to be provided under the program includes the development of basic studies or planning for the smart city development proposals advanced by the host governments, and arranging a training program in Korea to share Korea’s knowledge and experience on smart city development.
Hong said that this will be a good opportunity to expand partnership between Korea and Egypt.
The ambassador invited all Egyptian ministries and bodies working in smart city development to participate in the program and nominate projects to be implemented.
He also noted the ongoing cooperation between Korea and Egypt in the field of digital transformation and e-government, including the development of the electronic government procurement system in cooperation with Finance Ministry – in addition to the development of the intellectual property automation system in the Egyptian Patent Office.
The ambassador also emphasized the readiness of the Korean government and companies to share their experiences and knowledge in support of building a “Digital Egypt”.