Spokesperson of the National Authority of Tunnels (NAT) Ahmed Abdel Hady said that the NAT has set a new schedule for metro trains during Ramadan, ending after Eid al-Fitr.
Egypt’s al-Watan newspaper cited Abdel Hady saying the working hours would extend to 2 am during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr and the number of metro round trips would increase for the three lines of the metro.
The NAT will install ambulances in metro stations for the treatment of urgent cases.
Abdel Hady asserted that the NAT would perform regular maintenance for all metro vehicles on the 3 lines to repair emergency breakdowns.
Minister of Transportation Kamel al-Wazir revealed in March plans to establish new metro lines in three governorates in an effort to improve transportation and decrease traffic congestion.
Anticipated to commute nearly 60,000 passengers, the Ministry of Transportation assigned detailed designs of the second metro line’s extension to the consulting office of French Company SYSTRA. The project’s implementation is expected to take one year and cost nearly 8 billion.
Daqahlia :
SYSTRA representatives suggested the establishment of three lines, the first starting from Talkha city, then passing the Nile River and ending at Sandub. The company also presented further plans to establish two metro lines and one railway station connecting them both.
Assiut will see the launch of a metro line within the populous governorate of more than four million people. The line is expected to connect New Assiut with the old city. The advisor of Assiut University’s president told al-Ahram that a prior study had been conducted regarding Assiut’s metro line. The study suggested implementing the line in three stages, beginning from Assiut railway Station and moving toward Wasta Bridge and then to New Assiut.