Minister of Religious Endowments Talaat Afify criticized calls for boycotting the upcoming parliamentary elections, scheduled to begin 22 April.
The boycott is not motivated by a desire to seek reform or prioritize the interests of the nation, but rather to cause destruction and chaos to destabilize President Mohamed Morsy’s administration, leaving the path open to opposition forces to assume power.
These calls “destroy the political process” and subvert the democratic process, Afify continued, adding that everyone should accept the opinion of the majority as expressed through the ballot box.
The National Salvation Front announced last week that it would boycott the elections. Front member Sameh Ashour said fair elections could not be held without a fair law governing the process and a neutral government to supervise the voting process.
The Salafi Jihadi Front also said on Wednesday that it would mobilize citizens to boycott the elections, saying it is against Sharia and all voters are infidels.
Edited translation from MENA