Moscow will continue to give the United States advance notice about its missile tests despite suspending participation in the nuclear arms treaty called New START, Russia’s deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov, clarified Thursday according to Russian state media TASS.
What happened: On Wednesday, Ryabkov had said that all types of notifications between Russia and the United States under the nuclear NEW START treaty were suspended. To this, the State Department had said Wednesday that the US had not received notice from Russia “indicating a change” in nuclear notifications.
However, Ryabkov clarified and told reporters that Moscow will in fact voluntarily continue to notify the US of missile launch.
He also stressed that Moscow has stated its position to Washington both orally and in writing. “There is no ambiguity here,” he said.
The US has been “concerned Russia’s reckless behavior as it relates to the New START Treaty,” US State Department principal deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel said Wednesday.
CNN’s Jennifer Hansler contributed to this reporting.