Ibrahim al-Mahallawy, a young Brotherhood leader, told Al-Masry Al-Youm Saturday that a campaign against the constitution currently being drafted by a 50-member committee would start after 6 October protests to warn of military rule.
Mahallawy added there have been contacts between Brotherhood youth and the youth of other revolutionary movements to form a coalition against the Constitution.
Mahallawy said the coalition would include a number of movements that participated in 30 June protests against toppled President Mohamed Morsy.
"These movements agree with the Brotherhood youth on rejecting the articles [in the Constitution] which found a military state and helps the continuation of corruption," he said.
Mahallawy expressed confidence that the Egyptian people would reject the Constituion currently being prepared.
Nour Party representative in the 50-member committee, Mohamed Ibrahim Mansour, said the Nour Party would vote "no" on the constituion if it did not meed the 25 Jnuary revolution demands.
He added the Nour Party is keen on guaranteeing freedoms and the Islamic identity of Egypt as well as social equality and power balance in the Constitution.
Mansour called for not adopting exclusionary articles, such as ones excluding political parties based on religion. According to Mansour, the article would allow the regime to exclude any political party opposing it.