
My Black Roses

Dar al-Mahrusa Publishers has launched a joint project with new literary collectives like Idafa, al-Kull, and Itlala in which it has pledged to publish the works chosen by the groups without editorial interference. Among them is a new collection of poetry, My Secret Black Flowers, by Amal Gamal, an important voice with the Idafa Group and in the new prose poetry in Egypt. Gamal has already published three collections of poetry: I Do Not Name You, For the Sake of a Cloud, and Once Upon a Time in This House.
An excerpt from the new collection from the poem “State of War”:
Confused by the world
Afraid of war
I want to doff my head
And put it in my pocket, to walk headless
So I do not see the world.

Zuhuri al-sawda’ al-sirriya, by Amal Gamal, Dar al-Mahrusa, 100 pp.

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