The Nantes FC announced on Monday it has imposed a financial penalty on the team’s player, Mostafa Mohamed, after the latter refused to participate in the Toulouse match, in the 35th round of the French League, which included a campaign to support homosexuals.
A campaign to support homosexuality was launched this week in the French League, where football players wore shirts bearing the rainbow symbol in support of LGBTQ rights.
The Egyptian striker explained his position after refusing to play against Toulouse saying he did not want to join the campaign.
Mohamed said on Twitter: “I don’t want to argue at all but I have to state my position.”
“Respect for differences would mean respect for others, respect for oneself, respect for what will remain common and what will remain different. I respect all differences. I respect all beliefs and convictions. This respect extends to others but also includes respect for my personal beliefs.”
“Given my roots, my culture, the importance of my convictions and beliefs, it was not possible for me to participate in this campaign,” he added.
The Nantes club also condemned the threats received by Mohamed and his family before the start and after the match.