The National Alliance to Support Legitimacy (NASL), which supports deposed President Mohamed Morsy, said on Wednesday that the speech made by Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, defense minister, on Tuesday was deceiving.
“His nomination for presidency will be ominous for Egypt,” the statement added. “Sisi continues to deceive. He pushes the country toward sabotage and destruction for clear personal interests.”
“His [Sisi] nomination to presidency will represent new evil to Egypt. However, this will not be accepted by Egyptians. His destiny will be the same of former President Hosni Mubarak and former Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine bin Ali,” it added.
“The Egyptian people will not forget the blood of its sons. They will always be determined to retaliate. They will not accept attack on its sovereignty and confiscation of its rights and freedoms. The people will continue the revolution until victory is achieved,” the statement added saying “Sisi’s statement was misleading and a new absolute evidence that what happened on 3 July was a military coup” that targeted seizing the power rather than respecting people’s will.
Sisi said on Tuesday that he cannot turn his back on calls by the majority to run for president.
His statement come hours after interim president received a draft law regulating presidential elections.
Sisi overthrew Egypt's first elected president Mohamed Morsy last July over popular protests demanding his resignation.
Edited translation from Anadolu Agency